
به مامان میگم طالبی داریم؟ پاسخ مثبته. میگم هوس کردم. میشه یه ظرف بهم بدید بخورم…
با اشتیاق و لذت چنگال حاوی طالبی رو فرو می کنم تو دهانم!… کاشکی همه هوسهای زندگی به سادگی خواستن یه کاسه طالبی و خوردنش بود.

نظرات شما

  1. شیرین در 10/01/09 گفت :

    سلام ویولت. نمی‌‌دونام آهنگ “چشمات” مال مهرنوش رو شنیدی یا نه. من نمیدونم چرا وقتی‌ اینو میشنوم یاد تو می‌‌افتم. اینم لینکش اگر خواستی‌
    ممنون که لینکش رو گذاشتی

  2. ليلا در 10/01/09 گفت :

    ای داد از طالبی! ای هوار از طالبی:دی طالبی گفتی و کردی کباب‌م. من عاشق طالبی و تمام متعلقات‌ش هستم از آب‌طالبی بگیر تا شیرطالبی و ایضا بستنی میوه‌ای با طعم طالبی. اما متاسفانه یه مدت هستش که آلرژی بهش پیدا کردمFrown دیروز بعد از مدت‌ها محرومیت دل به دریا زدم و با چند قاچ طالبی دلی از عزا در آوردم اما چشم‌ت روز بد نبینه: خوردن همانا و تا آخر شب صد تا عطسه زدن و متورم شدن چشم و چال همان! بعله، بعضی وقت‌ها حتی برآوردن هوسای ساده هم، به همین سادگی نیس. پس ای انسون‌هایی که آلرژی ندارید بخورید و لذت‌ش رو ببرید. نوش جان#winking

  3. ساناز در 10/01/09 گفت :

    می شه ازتون خواهش کنم برا عزيز از دست رفتم دعا کنين و برا خودم و بيشتر شدن صبرمم دعا کنين…

  4. حديث در 10/01/09 گفت :

    واسه همه به اين راحتي نيست….

  5. صبور در 10/01/09 گفت :


  6. سانی در 10/01/09 گفت :

    منم طالبی می خوام #worried

  7. سلام خوبی؟
    آره واقعا کاش اينجوری بود ولی بذتی که در لحظه های رسيدن به اون هوس هست از بين ميرفت!!!
    شاد و برقرار باشين…

  8. سلام ویولت
    و به همین سادگی به دست می امد.
    من بهش نمی گم هوس بهش می گم خواستن.

  9. پير مرد در 10/01/09 گفت :

    درود بر تو
    حرفت زيبا بود و خواستنی
    آهی کشيدم از اين حسرت
    شاد زی
    به من سر بزن
    شاد زی

  10. سینا در 10/01/09 گفت :

    ولی قبول کن خیلی وقتا وقتی آدم برای به دست آوردن چیزی سختی و زحمت می کشه وقتی به دستش آورد بیشتر قدرش رو می دونه. برای همینه که میگن باد آورده را باد می برد.
    #flower #heart

  11. مرجان در 10/01/09 گفت :

    خداييش وقتي آدم احساس گرما ميكنه طالبي (مخصوصا اگر خوش مزه باشه) و خنك خيلي ميچسبه!!!#winking

  12. همه چی آبدارش ! بهتره ! از جمله میوه !

  13. گيتی در 10/01/09 گفت :

    مرسی عزيز دلم…. من هميشه بودم و هستم…. هر روز… تقریبا هر ساعت… یعنی هر وقت که این لپ تاپ روشنه تو صفحه همیشگی اش هستی… فقط نای کامنت گذاشتن نداشتم… که اونم به مدد یادکردن از عشق و یادآوردن عطش عاشقی ميسر شد… تنها کلامی که تونست پس از مدت های مدید جسدی مثل الان من رو بهش روح بده.. و زنده اش کنه… و این عطش سيری ناپذير رو به يادش بياره… عطشی که هیچ جوره فرو نمی نشينه…

  14. شادی در 10/01/09 گفت :

    نوش جان #flower

  15. تـــــرانه در 10/01/09 گفت :

    من طالبی رو دوست دارم مخصوصا آب طالبی اما به محض این که خوردم و از گلوم پایین رفت گلو درد می گیرم خفن .. بعدش هم صدام در نمیاد و این برای منی که باید تمام ثانیه های بیداریم رو فَک بزنم خیلی گرون تموم میشه !#devil
    پس با لیلا هم دردی

  16. فاطمه در 10/02/09 گفت :

    سلام ويولت جان
    بالاخره از چشم انتظاري در اومديم ..
    رسيدن بخير عزيز دلم
    شيرين بود؟
    نوش جونت #kiss
    منم هوس يه هواي خنك كردم
    خيلي نم نم بارون دوس دارم

  17. صوفی در 10/02/09 گفت :

    ويولت جان سلام
    امروز برنامه thedoctors را می ديدم و خانومی به اسم نانسی ديويس در مورد ام اس حرف می زد و من صجبتهای اين خانوم را روی اينترنت پيدا کردم لينک را برات می فرستم اگه نتونستی باز کنی من خود مطلب و برنامه مورد نظر را هم برات می گذارم و اميدوارم که مفيد باشه.
    The race is on to improve the quality of life for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who suffer from multiple sclerosis.
    One of those lives is that of Nancy Davis, who was diagnosed with MS about 18 years ago.
    Determined to find a cure, the daughter of billionaire oil and entertainment magnate Marvin Davis founded the Nancy Davis Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis and its Center Without Walls program, a collaboration of seven research facilities across the country. The centers include USC, UC San Francisco, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Yale, the Cleveland Clinic, Oregon Health Science University and Johns Hopkins University.
    As part of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, the Nancy Davis Foundation will host its 17th annual Race to Erase MS benefit on Friday at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. To date, Race to Erase MS has raised approximately $30 million for research into the potentially disabling disease.
    “What’s exciting is since we started, which was 18 years ago, there was really no known cause, no cure, no real drugs with FDA approval yet,” said Davis, 52, of Bel-Air. “A lot of things were just incubating.”
    But now, she said, years of research are paying off, with new methods of treatment and a move toward wiping out the disease.
    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that causes scars to form on the brain and spinal column. The disease hides in the body, and doctors don’t know what exactly triggers the onset.
    The scars eat away at the fatty tissue called the myelin sheath that protects the nerve endings in the body, causing those areas to become myelin deficient. Side effects vary depending on where the scars form. No two people with MS have the same symptoms – and new attacks can produce different effects.
    “Twenty or 30 percent lose vision in an eye, or have difficulty in vision,” said Dr. Leslie Weiner, USC’s chairman of neurology and a researcher with the Center Without Walls. “Another group will have dizziness, vertigo, double vision. A third group will have numbness or weakness.”
    New magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology has made diagnosing patients quicker and more reliable, which is key to preventing the permanent damage that occurs when nerves are cut by inflammation.
    “We know that if we don’t treat those people with a first attack, they will have permanent damage,” said Weiner. “So, the family doctor has to recognize that there is something going on in the neurological system. If they wait and watch the patient, things don’t necessarily go well.”
    There is hope that the body can rebuild myelins, Weiner said, but there is no way to reverse the effects if a nerve is cut by inflammation.
    Doctors with the Center Without Walls are working on neuron protection – finding a medication that will keep the nerves from being cut after the myelin is damaged.
    All of the current drugs that have received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treatment of MS are injections, and a few have life-threatening side effects, including viral infection of the brain and congestive heart failure.
    But Weiner said there could soon be other options.
    “We hope in the next two years there will be two pills that are coming out,” he said. “There are actually 11 phase-three trials that are going on, or have been completed, which means we will have a whole slew of different treatments in the next two to three years that we could use in alternative ways.”
    The drug Rituxan has been licensed for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis, but Weiner said it also is believed to be very effective with MS. Rituxan eliminates B-cells that are associated with inflammation.
    But drugs are not the only treatment said to relieve the effects of the disease. Vitamin D also has become an important factor.
    For those who are susceptible to MS – people with a family history of the disease – Weiner recommends vitamin D on a daily basis, either through supplements or naturally, through appropriate sun exposure.
    “Vitamin D is the only vitamin that really has been shown to have an effect on this disease, and it’s being explored now in three or four therapeutic trials around the world,” he said.
    Vitamin D, Weiner said, can delay the onset of MS.
    “It is an immunomodulator. In other words, it modulates the immune response and keeps it regulated,” Weiner said. “That is a very critical component, because we think MS is really a defect in the regulation of our immune responses, and that’s why we attack our own tissues and so forth.”
    Davis said vitamin D wasn’t even on the radar when she was diagnosed in 1991.
    People with MS also are advised to be on a low-fat diet, said Weiner. That includes limiting simple sugars and eating complex carbohydrates.
    Gluten is also now on the radar of doctors.
    “There are a group of patients, maybe 10 percent of the American population, that have a gluten problem,” said Weiner. “Now is that a contributor to MS, we don’t know. But if they have any kind of family history of gluten problems or any kind of dietary problems, we tell them to go on a gluten free diet. But we don’t really know if that’s an aggravating factor or a cause.”
    Weiner also recommends that his MS patients exercise six times a week.
    “Exercise when you have MS is, like, the greatest thing,” said Davis, whose symptoms include vision problems and numbness from the waist down. “It makes you feel good. Whatever wasn’t working before is usually working when you get off the treadmill or what have you. If you don’t use it, you can lose it.”
    But the key to winning the race against multiple sclerosis may not be solely about what you eat, what pills you take or your exercise level.
    The key could be pregnancy.
    Studies are underway to see how the body regulates its immune response during pregnancy, because MS has been shown to nearly disappear in women during the third trimester, Weiner said. That, he said, has a lot to do with estrogen hormones.
    “Pregnancy is the secret to MS,” said Weiner. “I mean, if there weren’t other issues, most MS patients would like to be pregnant. So that’s a critical study.”
    With all of the research being conducted, Weiner said, scientists are on the right path to finding a cure for MS.
    “I think we are getting close to basically obliterating the clinical effects in about 75 percent of people,” he said. “I think there is going to be 25 percent that probably has something that is not typical, just like 15 (percent) to 20 percent of people probably don’t need to be treated at all.”
    But it’s not happening quickly enough for Davis.
    “We aren’t there yet – I’m sure there is a lot more to explore and I would like to get there quicker,” she said.
    “I’m awfully encouraged, and I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if I didn’t think there was a hope and a possibility of finding a cure and a better way of living with MS.”

  18. سلام – خانم
    بازگشت شکوهمند آزاده سرافراز ويولت دختر – را به آغوش گرم دوست داران تبريک عرض مينمائيم
    از طرف معتادين به وبلاگ و يولت و خانواده
    پ . ن:
    ما روز ه ايم اگه ميشه بعد ماه
    رمضون بيا به آغوش گرم دوست داران
    هيچ وبلاگی در نبود تو مارا مرهمی نشد – حافظا!!

  19. miad در 10/02/09 گفت :

    بابا جون اگه هوس به راحتی دست یافتنی بود که حال نمیداد.

  20. سلام – خانم
    بازگشت شکوهمند آزاده سرافراز ويولت دختر – را به آغوش گرم دوست داران تبريک عرض مينمائيم
    از طرف معتادين به وبلاگ و يولت و خانواده
    پ . ن:
    ما روز ه ايم اگه ميشه بعد ماه
    رمضون بيا به آغوش گرم دوست داران
    هيچ وبلاگی در نبود تو مارا مرهمی نشد – حافظا!!

  21. سلام – خانم
    بازگشت شکوهمند آزاده سرافراز ويولت دختر – را به آغوش گرم دوست داران تبريک عرض مينمائيم
    از طرف معتادين به وبلاگ و يولت و خانواده
    پ . ن:
    ما روز ه ايم اگه ميشه بعد ماه
    رمضون بيا به آغوش گرم دوست داران
    هيچ وبلاگی در نبود تو مارا مرهمی نشد – حافظا!!